Thursday, August 23, 2018


Job Description for Outreach Coordinator


  1. Part of the MHI Committee who carries out the direction of MHI Chairman
  2. Leader of the Outreach Department with the assistance of 2 other Committee members; one in charge of Tuition Project, the other in charge of Drop in Center (DIC)
  3. The Aim of the Outreach Department serves to bring those outside the community of MHI, including Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing into the community through activities.
  4. In charge of initiating activities (including closing of redundant ones) that serves the Aim of Outreach Department.
  5. Responsible to increase the number of members in MHI participating in its activities.
  6. Serves as a point of contact with organizations outside MHI including other Deaf organizations and Deaf Christian ministries.


Job Description of Tuition Project Coordinator


  1. Works with the Full Time Coordinator to help run the Tuition Project
  2. Works with a team of volunteer tutors to enable smooth running of the Tuition Project
  3. Helps the team of volunteer tutors to deliver excellent tuition services to the Deaf as well as their families
  4. Helps the Full Time Coordinator in disciplinary matters of students within the Tuition Project
  5. Works with the Volunteer Coordinator in order to help new tutors settle smoothly into the project.
  6. Able to work with parents whose children are in the Tuition Project
  7. Works with the Full Time Coordinator to monitor academic performance of the students in other that adequate advice can be given to both student and tutor in charge of the students.


Job Description of Drop In Center Coordinator


  1. Preferably a Deaf volunteer
  2. Works with the Full Time Coordinator to run the Drop In Center
  3. Works with a few volunteers to enable that activities happening in the Drop In Center will help attract more Deaf young people to become members of MHI
  4. In charge of the maintenance of the equipment in Drop In Center
  5. Works with the Full Time Coordinator regarding disciplinary matters of visitors to the Drop In Center
  6. Organize other activities outside Drop In Center for the Deaf young people who are regulars
  7. Build a sense of community amongst those who are regulars in the Drop In Center.


The Aim of the Outreach Department serves to bring those outside the community of MHI, including Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing into the community through activities.


Organization Chart


Organisation Chart MHI Committee







Organization Chart


Functional Chart Outreach Department



Clarity:                        1) Fulfil the KPI

                        2) Free to dream. (We are leaders. Not managers)

                        3) Gather your disciples. Don’t do it alone

                        4) The Committee is more of decision making Committee than executive committee



Key Performance Indicator

1)      Maintain or improve their academic standards                                                                       *students

2)      Increase value to students                                                                                           *students

3)      Increase the numbers of students using our tuition service                                        *students

4)      (hidden) Provide opportunity for evangelism                                                             *students and tutors

5)      Enable the volunteers to feel satisfied that they have done a good job                                 *tutors

6)      Enable the volunteers to feel they are part of a team                                                 *tutors


Who are the students?

1)      Deaf

2)      Hard of hearing

3)      Children of Deaf adults KODA


Expectations   (students)


                        (A) Identify core         -     Future leaders in the Outreach Department

                                                            -     Allow some leaders to help tutors in decision making


(B) Identify main body        -             They are your meat and skin of the department


                        (c) Identify low achievers       -      May be your focus.  We only expect them to participate only. Low expectations



Expectations   (tutors)


We categorise them not to rate them but more to facilitate and also to enable us to fulfil KPI.


                        (A) Identify enthusiastic ones                        -           Leaders who will assist you in decision making and policy making


                        (B) Identify main tutors                                  -           They will run your programs


                        (C) Ad hoc helpers                              -           They will be fed by Volunteer Management Committee member and others

                                                                                                Assistance of the full time staff to orientate them


(note) Some of your tutors may not be Christians. These are good opportunity to reach out to them.



Drop in Center (DIC)



1)      Increase participation in DIC. Focus on value to each participant first. Then the activity

2)      Add value to the participation outside DIC. Eg Camps.


(note: Some of the participants may also be part of the Tuition group. Some participants may be part of Full time Staff street Outreach group)



Key Performance Indicator

1)      Good feedback

2)      Good attendance

3)      More adult hearing and adult Deaf presence with modeling and supervision of participants




Who are your “sheep”?  (Functionality)


-     Students                (Is your department value adding?)


-     Volunteers                        (Take note of Volunteer Recognition Day on COSC Sunday):


Think                           MANPOWER                        Do we need recruitment?  Do we need to tell some volunteers to leave MHI? Attrition rate.


                                    BUDGET $$               Can we use it effectively?  Eg            Motivation awards

                                                                                                                        Appreciation awards

                                                                                                                        Special Events


                                    PERFORMANCE      Measured by number of students, number of projects, results grades.







                                                DIC                                                                                                     Tuition

                                    CNY                                                                                                   Teacher’s Day

                                    Christmas Day                                                                                                Graduation

                                    NDP                                                                                                    Children’s Day

                                                                                                                                                Youth Day


                                    (note: Watch out for recurring faces. No growth !)





MHI Projects


1)      Family Life

2)      Publicity and Awareness of our Activties

3)      Adult Outreach Program

4)      Reaching out to the Hard of Hearing


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